October 15, 2016

The Adventure Has Already Begun...

I'm a planner. I find planning reassuring. A well-executed plan is effective for obtaining your goals and can save time and money, help motivate, avoid disappointment, reduce anxiety, build anticipation and help clarify your future. However, there are times when plans must be altered, or even demolished and rebuilt in order to follow your instincts. There are times when an opportunity presents itself and you must decide to live the adventure.

I had forgotten the days preceding my first Global Village experience. If you are lucky enough to be confirmed early in the process, there is a waiting period. For someone who has spent the greater part of her life planning, organizing, managing time, and juggling the ever changing demands of a career and family, waiting seems more like an endurance test. Not having the answers before making a decision is an active test of faith.

At this point in the process, my Global Village team leader is still interviewing potential participants. I do not know who or how many, from where, or their build experience. It’s too early to know the details of the family we will be helping in Lesotho. I do not know the community where we will be building or the place where we will be staying. We did discuss basic expectations including: the anticipated type of work and work-site safety (which can vary greatly from Canada), the value of a good pair of shoes and gloves, shared accommodation with the possibility of sleeping bags & portable showers, essential & minimalist packing tips, meal expectations (basic with potential for work-site preparation), all travel requirements including documentation, and related health & safety recommendations.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve realized that my sense of adventure was responsible for sending the initial inquiry to Habitat for Humanity for the build in Lesotho. My experience, listened carefully to the details provided by the team leader during the phone interview. My instincts, were telling me to research and plan...but my heart made the final decision and confirmed this trip. Any concerns regarding the unknowns are secondary to the belief in the purpose.

Until the entire team is confirmed by the Global Village office, I wait...for additional information and for permission to reserve the flight arrangements. It's a test of patience, flexibility, endurance and faith…and so, the adventure has really already begun.  ♥ jp

  • For more information or to inquire about participating in this build, see: Lesotho - Trip Schedule
  • My Habitat Lesotho fundraising page will be made public soon. Please consider making a donation and help build a home for a family in need!

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