November 19, 2016

Fundraising Update...and more!

In exactly 100 days, I will be travelling to a small, alpine country in southern Africa to volunteer as part of the Orphaned and Vulnerable Children project with Habitat for Humanity Lesotho.
 Until recently, it has been difficult to envision. About a week ago, our team received additional information regarding the build experience from a previous team leader for Habitat for Humanity USA. Andrea's team was based in the capital city of Maseru and travelled daily to the build site located in a small, rural village (pictured). Can you imagine living here? What would daily life be like? Is there access to clean water, electricity, health care, an education, or a reliable source of income? Imagine living here as one of the estimated 180,000 Basotho children that has lost one or both parents. Our team may not yet know where we will be building, but when I visualize where we are going, this is it. 

What have I learned about Lesotho?

Education in Lesotho is undergoing reform. The country now spends a higher proportion of its GDP on education than any other country in the world. It also has a literacy rate between 75-90%. While a primary education is now free, universal and compulsory, secondary school education is not, and as of 2012 was attended by only 25-35% of 13-17 year olds. For more information, see: Unicef

As part of my preparation for this trip, I have taken the opportunity to learn more about HIV/AIDS. As Lesotho has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world, I contacted AIDS PEI for their suggestions regarding standard precautionary measures, mainly as we will be on a build site with a slightly higher risk of injury. As anticipated, universal first-aid practices apply. Thank you Angele, for your assistance and for your dedication to our island community.

Fundraising for the house build has been progressing very well, in part, due to a recent family garage sale. Who knew that our lil'artificial Christmas tree would one day help build a house in Africa! The garage sale funds raised so far, $480!! Online donations are presently at 41% of my fundraising goal!! Thank you!

As the Christmas season is upon us, I’ve decided to offer a present! All sponsorship donations of $20 or more, received before December 31st, will be entered into a draw for a $50 Tim Horton's gift card! Just a little thank you for your generosity and support...because you are warming my heart, the least I can do is warm-up yur'mug. Good luck and cheers to a very Happy New Year!    

To sponsor the build, see: My Fundraising Page

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