January 28, 2017

Shower: To Be, or Not To Be...

One month until departure…and packing has commenced! I already have a pair of broken-in work boots, but I did recently purchase a few work clothes (awesome thrift store finds) as well as a couple pairs of tough, yet comfortable, work gloves. I was told to hold-off on purchasing the portable solar-shower, which may mean we don’t need one. Horray! An actual shower at the end of a hot-n-dirty workday is a complete and welcome luxury!! To be honest, on previous builds, it was the time of day that made me feel the most like myself. The routine felt familiar and grounded me on days that were emotionally intense or physically exhausting. Those few minutes alone to relax and process the events of the day were re-energizing and propelled me into each new build day. Man, I hope we have access to a shower!

I’ve also collected a few other items: a poncho, journal, first-aid & laundry supplies, insect repellent, a refillable water bottle and chocolate protein bars. It’s an interesting perspective to pack for a trip, knowing your suitcases will be a lot lighter on the return journey. On a previous Global Village build, our team left behind sleeping bags, pillows, mosquito nets, books, footwear, clothes and so on…it was really quite incredible to witness 16 people donating most of what they had brought with them from Canada. 

Oh, some very exciting news...I learned that our post-build R&R activity includes a bush walk! Seriously. Me, trekking through a national park...in Africa! I wonder if lions can sense which people are about to faint from pure joy. Sometimes, life simply amazes me. Apocolyst...check!

Yesterday, I received an update from our team leader and was encouraged to learn that all of our original volunteers are still confirmed to go! Yeeee-A team!! We still haven’t received details regarding the build location, the partner family, where we are staying or the specific project work…so much of our plan remains unclear. Having said that, the very first Canadian HFH team has arrived and is currently building in Lesotho! As they didn’t receive firm details regarding their build until 1 week prior to departure, we are expecting the same. I'll be thinking of them and am so very eager to learn more about their experience.

Fundraising...I need something resembling a touchdown happy dance because I can't express my gratitude enough. Each donation is helping “build hope”! Thank you so very much for your support. Additional donations are greatly appreciated and will be accepted until the end of March! Click on My Fundraising Page to donate! 

As always, I'll be in touch when I know more. Until then, you'll likely find me preparing...and wish'in-n-hope'in for a shower.


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